Smoker's Knowledge Base

What will be the cannabis accessory trends in 2023?
As legalization continues to spread, the cannabis accessory market is exploding. These THC and business experts project some of the accessory trends we should look

Them’s the Shakes: The Secret Supply of Weed You Should Be Smoking
Have you ever opened your herb grinder and emptied it, only to leave behind a small collection of green bits that are slightly too fine

RYOT’s 5 Steps to Beat Couch Lock
Every smoker knows what couch lock is. It’s that funny feeling that comes when you’ve smoked way too much, and your body stops working. It’s

Perfect Date and Gift Ideas for Stoners
So you’re going steady with a stoner? Welcome to a wonderful new life, for a stoner’s partner never goes without something to toke. Still, stoner’s

Explaining the Stages of Getting High
As writers at a weed company, we tend to stand out among our peers in the business writing world. While everyone else at our Corporate

5 Reasons You Need a Better Stash Box
Stash boxes can come in all shapes, sizes, and costs. While we spent a number of years stashing our stuff in sock drawers, Altoids containers,

A Quick Guide to Rolling Papers
Rolling a joint isn’t just a convenient way to smoke, at its best it can be an art form. Don’t waste time with poor quality

Joints vs. Blunts: Everything You Need to Know1
Joints and Blunts: Two households alike in dignity, in fair dispensaries where we lay our scene. For some stoners, the choice between a blunt and

It’s Time You Found the Best Way to Store Your Stash
Cannabis contains dozens of delicate chemical compounds that affect its color, aroma, taste, and high. These chemical compounds are highly sensitive to light, heat, and

Medical Marijuana vs. Recreational Marijuana: What’s the Difference?
For cannabis neophytes, the difference between medical and recreational marijuana can seem a bit arbitrary. Isn’t it all just a plant? It’s not like a

7 Strains to Manage Your Anxiety
Almost 20% of Americans experience anxiety on some level, making it one of the most common mental health struggles in the country. While cannabis isn’t